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Simply the coolest man in television, dapper Don Draper (Jon Hamm) is the quintessential ‘man in the grey flannel suit’. Smoking, drinking and embarking on illicit affairs during the 1960s, the advertising executive is renowned for his secretive, introspective personality – and for good reason, he has plenty to hide...
Draper isnÂ’t just a brooder. He can be fiercely protective and, while he seldom resorts to physical violence, Draper can ruthlessly destroy another manÂ’s career with his reputation alone. Despite being a fictional character, in 2009 he was Ask MenÂ’s most influential man in the world, ahead of Barack Obama.
Quote: “The reason you haven't felt it is because it doesn't exist. What you call love was invented by guys like me, to sell nylons.”