- Change theme
The current colours of wires used should be blue for neutral (N), brown for live (L) and green and yellow for earth (E).
By law, appliances should come with a plug but here's how you fit one if needed:
1. Unscrew the plug and remove the cover. The fuse is on the right and you may need to remove it to have access to the plug.
2. The bottom right terminal next to the fuse needs to be connected to the brown live cable.
3. The left terminal shpould be connected to the blue neutral wire.
4. The top terminal is where the green and yellow earth wire needs to go.
5. After connecting the wires, replace the fuse, then the flex cable needs to be clamped in place by using the cable grip at the bottom of the plug.
6. It is very important that this flex is secured, either by using the screw down clamp or the two flange option, depending on your type of plug.
If in doubt, consult an electrician.