it's an internet thing! est 1999
Sweden’s central bank, Riksbank, is all set to complete the second phase of testing of its proposed digital currency.
Finland is a relatively small country, especially compared to its larger neighbour Sweden, with a population of 'only' 5.5 million.
Online gambling has been going from strength to strength, worth around US$60 billion in 2019 and expected to be worth over US$90 billion by 2023.
Online gaming is a huge and prosperous industry, from Sweden to Australia.
Samsung confirms new partnership with Sweden-based streaming music service Spotify.
Despite Sweden’s stance on border control, Eurovision 2016 will focus on the refugee crisis.
Pop duo Joe and Jake will represent the UK at May’s Eurovision Song Contest in Sweden.
The UK’s first 10 womb transplants will be carried out following the success of the procedure in Sweden.
The Swedes are adding a gender-neutral pronoun to their dictionary.
The original author, Stieg Larsson, died in 2004 aged 50. A writer has been hired to pen the fourth installment as confirmed by its Swedish publisher.
England’s Wednesday friendly football match took a turn for the worst as Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored four goals