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Housemates ready for finale
The sixth series of Big Brother comes to a close tonight with the four remaining housemates hoping to walk away with the cash prize.
11:46 12 August 2005
The sixth series of Big Brother comes to a close tonight with the four remaining housemates hoping to walk away with the cash prize.
After 11 weeks in the house Anthony and Makosi are the only two contestants who have lasted the distance and the Geordie seems to be running low on patience.
Anthony, who seems lonely in the house since Craig's departure on Wednesday night, barked at a tipsy Kinga to "shut up" last night after the she heckled him while he was attempting to moisturise.
Kinga playfully asked Anthony to kiss her, only for the 23-year-old to reply: "Well I'm not kissing you, like!"
The market researcher from London, who has been a lively bright spark in the house since entering a fortnight ago, refused to let the issue lie, trying Anthony's patience further, leading him to shout: "Just shut up! I can't be bothered to talk to you. Shut it!"
Geeky Eugene avoided last night's antics, hiding the champagne, given to the housemates, from Kinga before she got too rowdy. However the engineer opened up to Big Brother and raised concerns over tonight's finale.
Speaking in the Diary Room, Eugene, who entered the house through the secret garden, said that he expects to be booed and heckled on leaving the house this evening after choosing to pocket half of the 100,000 jackpot.
Eugene who, along with Anthony, is one of the favourites to win tonight's popularity contest, last night told Big Brother: "I get the impression there'll be a lot of booing because of the decision I made last [Wednesday] night."
"I think I lost a bit of integrity taking the easy way out last night. I don't think it's a crime, just a bit selfish. Very selfish."
The housemates were all woken up this morning by Big Brother and could not hide their excitement and anticipation. Makosi, who started the screaming by jumping up and down on her bed, will hope that she can become only the second ever female winner of Big Brother.

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