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'I Know You Want Me' by Pitbull - 82+ million views
The party anthem with its strong beat and catchy lines became compulsive viewing, placing it at the top of the leaderboard for the most watched music videos of 2009.
As well as the most watched lists, the website also noted key search
terms. In January, we were mainly looking for videos on YouTube
relating to President Barack Obama's welcome to the White House as the
term 'inauguration' became the fastest rising search of that month.
Similarly, the passing of Michael Jackson drew many of us to search for
his famous 'Thriller' song in June. While in December, the developing
scandal of champion golfer Tiger Woods was of most interest to us.
Watch Pitbull's video here, we challenge you not to shimmy and shake!:
%%youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2tMV96xULk