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DC Universe Combine Forces
DC Comics and Warner Bros announce DC Universe, a platform that bundles superhero comics and TV shows all in one place.
19:41 04 July 2018
DC Comics and Warner Bros have officially announced the impending arrival of DC Universe, a brand-new platform where many of the company’s upcoming shows, including Harley Quinn, Young Justice: Outsiders and Titans will be bundled with a deep back catalogue of curated DC comic books, TV shows and films.
DC’s chief creative officer Jim Lee said: “It’s a welcoming place for everyone to immerse themselves in their own level of DC fandom, with the epic characters, stories, and experiences they have come to expect from DC.
We are investing in and creating original, high-quality shows including the new Titans series, and curating the most beloved nostalgic content, while at the same time elevating the comic reading experience to new heights.”
“We wanted the DC UNIVERSE comic reader to be a blend of art and technology that would further enhance fan’s experiences of the live-action and animated programming on DC UNIVERSE.
This hand-curated selection from our decades of comic creations gives fans a thematic digital longbox to carry with them on the device of their choosing or lets them watch exclusive video content on a big screen followed by the comic that inspired it.”
Read more superhero news.