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Victorious Geordie gets drunk
Big Brother winner Anthony Hutton celebrated his victory by getting blind drunk at the end-of-series party and getting carried home.
11:37 17 August 2005
Big Brother winner Anthony Hutton celebrated his victory by getting blind drunk at the end-of-series party and getting carried home.
Pictures of the Geordie dancer show him puckering up to fellow housemate Maxwell Ward and being carried out of the party at London's Kew Gardens by two officials.
An onlooker told the Sun: "The producers were so worried that [Anthony] would be sick and choke that someone made sure his head was upright during the cab journey back to his hotel."
Upon arrival at the hotel Anthony collapsed on to the lobby floor and tried to go to sleep. "He refused to budge," a witness said.
It is also reported that the 24-year-old 70's disco fanatic kissed a blonde producer who works for BB maker Endemol.
Meanwhile Kinga Karokzak allegedly groped and snogged the equally curvaceous Lesley Sanderson in the toilets at the party. A witness described the scene as "grotesque".

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