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The Benefit of Receiving Hearing Treatments From An Early Age
A Cause of Hearing Loss For Women
10:29 05 May 2021
Hearing loss mainly takes place when you start to reach your golden days or when you are exposed to high-pitched sounds or loud sound noises.
But this might not only be the reason for which you might be suffering from such conditions, faulty genes can also be responsible for developing deafness or lack of hearing.
For instance, your great grandfather suffered from hearing loss without any specific reason that might be due to gene mutation. And now there might be a chance that you can take this hearing condition.
Therefore, it’ll be a misconception to think that hearing impairment is only caused due to aging or loud sound exposures.
In many cases, obesity has also been responsible for hearing loss. And it can also be a major issue found in women.
Therefore, in this article, I’ll be telling you what are the benefits of receiving hearing treatments from an early age and also I’ll be guiding you on how it can also cause hearing issues for women!!
Read till the end, to get all the facts about it!!
How Can Obesity Lead To Hearing Loss?
In many kinds of research, it has been found that obesity can be a major issue associated with hearing loss.
There were many cases where people have been diagnosed with hearing loss due to obesity. At first, it was a complete mystery among researchers that how can someone develop deafness due to body weight.
Later on, after vast research, it has been discovered that excessive body mass can affect the inner-ear cells. These cells are responsible for making you hear sounds, but if these get destroyed then there are chances that hearing loss can become permanent. In contrast, you won’t be able to hear anymore.
In vast research, it has been found that if you have an increase in body weight, there are higher chances that you might develop hearing loss. Therefore, make sure to maintain a healthy diet to maintain healthy ears.
Hearing Loss Among Women
Hearing loss among women is quite common. In recent studies, it has been found that at least one-third of the women in their 50s are victims of hearing loss.
It has been found that women who are in their 30s are also suffering from hearing conditions and this number is drastically increasing.
But the best part is, in many of these cases, hearing aids can do the trick for them, as these devices are designed to treat mild to moderate levels of hearing loss or deafness.
For many years researchers have been trying to find the reasons why women are so prone to hearing conditions and these are the following reasons for which these cases of deafness among women are increasing:
1) They Are Very Depressed
According to the research, it has been found that depression is one of the reasons why deafness can take place. And among women, it’s increasing drastically!!
Women tend to stay more depressed and this is one of the vital reasons for which they suffer from hearing loss.
2) The Link of The Ear And The Heart
Did you know that your heart and your ears are linked?
-Yes, they are linked.
Many experts claim that our inner ears are very sensitive to the amount of blood flow. Therefore, it’s possible that due to the flaw in the cardiovascular system, there are chances that your inner ear might get affected.
And this is where you can link why women are so prone to hearing conditions.
The reason is many women suffer from heart conditions which in return affects their ears. Therefore, hearing issues are more likely to develop!!!
3) Diabetes Doubles The Chances of Deafness
Diabetes is one of the growing problems in the world. It’s very likely that you’ll see at least one diabetes patient at every home!!!
It has been found especially women who suffer from diabetes are more likely to develop hearing loss as they start to reach their golden ages.
The percentage of hearing loss gets boosted up if the level of sugar is not controlled through medications.
In order to avoid early diabetes, it’s highly advisable to maintain a proper diet plan unless you grab it genetically!!!
5) Lifestyle Matters
The way you lead your life has a huge impact on your health as well. If you don’t have a healthy lifestyle, there are chances that you might end up welcoming various diseases in your body’s systems.
Eating unhealthy foods or junk foods is one of the major reasons for cardiac disease. And you have already seen in the above section how heart diseases can lead to hearing impairment.
This is one of the reasons why women tend to develop hearing problems, Although hearing aids and various treatments are available to cure the problem but if the condition gets severe, there are fewer than few chances of getting fully cured!!
Therefore, it’s essential to keep a healthy diet in your food plan. Try to eat as much protein as possible. It's highly recommended to stay away from smokers or even passive smokers because it’s one of the reasons for cardiac arrest as well!!!
I hope this article will now help you to know all the facts regarding this topic. And make sure that you follow all the suggestions provided to heed goodbyes to hearing conditions.