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Stars urge fans to vote
Leonardo DiCaprio is heading up a list of celebrities attempting to boost the youth vote at next month's US presidential elections.
15:48 15 October 2004
Leonardo DiCaprio is heading up a list of celebrities attempting to boost the youth vote at next month's US presidential elections.
Celebrities including singer Justin Timberlake and Hollywood star Samuel L Jackson are taking part in an online advert for Rockthevote.com.
The website was set up as part of music channel MTV's Rock the Vote campaign, which is aimed at increasing the number of young people voting in the elections.
DiCaprio has long been interested in environmental issues and will use his platform in the advert to speak out about climate change and the future of the environment.
Meanwhile Jackson will discuss the possibility of a renewed military draft, while Timberlake will concentrate on education.
DiCaprio, who is currently starring in Martin Scorcese's new biopic The Aviator, said he hopes the advert will "help motivate young people to exercise their right to vote in this vital election".
He is also known to be a supporter of John Kerry and has recently appeared at fund-raising events with the Democratic presidential candidate.
A 30-second public service announcement featuring seven celebrities has already been completed and others are currently being planned before voters go to the polls on November 2nd.

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