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Shirley Could Get 3rd 5G Mast
Shirley is set to get a new 5G mast as part of a wide scheme that aims to make West Midlands the home to the UK's first multi-city 5G test bed.
18:13 08 August 2022
A new 5G mast is set to be built in Shirley as part of a wider scheme to make the West Midlands the home to the UK's first 'multi-city test bed' for 5G services.
The new 5G mast would be 15 metres tall and twice the height of street lamps. It is expected to be approved even though there are already existing 3G and 4G masts in the area. It will be built just 10metres from Play n Learn Day Nursery and 21 metres from The Lodge Pub.
Based on the application documents, the 5G mast would be painted green to help it blend in. Telefonica and Vodafone would share the mast to eliminate the need for another one.
According to existing local planning laws, communications masts must be twice their height from the nearest home. However, national guidance could trump local policy and states that local authorities should not insist on a minimum distance between a mast and a home.
They also add: “The moderate harm the installation would cause to the character and appearance of the area is outweighed by the benefits of a high-quality communications network facilitated by the proposed development on this site.”