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Sheffield UK 5G Testbed
Sheffield City Council calls for support to strengthen its bid to become one of the UK’s 5G testbeds.
14:54 07 June 2018
Sheffield City Council is reaching out to local companies and organisations to support its bid to become a UK 5G testbed. The bid is in partnership with nearby Rotherham Council and is being led by Sheffield City Council’s Director of Business Change and Information Solutions, Mark Gannon. Both councils are pitching for a share of the £200million funding provided through the 5G Testbeds and Trials programme.
Gannon commented: “We believe that our bid has a number of unique elements that would make it particularly attractive to government, including strong existing local partnership working in the digital and technology areas, an existing digital multi-sector coalition (‘dotSHF’), two top-class universities, an Advanced Manufacturing District and a track record of supporting creativity and innovation.”
Gannon encourages local companies to send letters explaining how they can benefit from the programme, for instance, increasing efficiency or productivity, accelerating growth or solving social challenges. The companies are also encourage to note ways on how they can contribute to the success of the project – through providing expertise, assets or funding, for example.