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Round two for Victor and Emma
Former Big Brother housemates Victor and Emma fight it out on MTV.
11:24 06 August 2004
Former Big Brother housemates Victor and Emma were at each other's throats again yesterday when they appeared together on MTV.
Security guards had to step in when the pair squared up to each other after an interview on the TRL show.
Victor and Emma have never been the best of friends and took centre stage when all hell broke loose in the Big Brother house back in June.
Channel 4 had to cut the live feed as the housemates traded insults and threatened to come to blows. Emma was thrown out as a result of the incident.
TRL bosses were asking for trouble putting them in the same room again. After spending the interview winding Victor up and patting him on the head, Emma was ready to lay into him until presenter Dave Berry got in the way.
"Emma turned psycho," one insider at the Leicester Square studio said.
Meanwhile, back in the house, the remaining contestants had more important matters to consider - like which one of them is the best looking.
Jason, Dan, Shell and Nadia spent last night dressed in tuxes and ball gowns as they took part in a mock awards ceremony. They each nominated candidates for 11 Oscar-style awards from best looking to biggest cry-baby.
"I'm the best looking person in the house. Why didn't you pick me?" moaned Jason after Shell, Vanessa and Stuart beat him to the nomination.
The hit series comes to an end tonight with Nadia strong favourite to emerge as the winner.

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