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Premium website domain worth £10,000 accidentally sold for just £7
Although it was clearly a mistake, the company said that it will honour the deal.
17:51 29 January 2015
A £10,000 premium domain name was sold for just £7 due to a website glitch, it has now been revealed.
When Bruce Marler heard that a domain name, wine.club, was sold for £92,482, he went online with the intention of snapping up credit.club, which should have cost him at least £10,000. However, he is now the proud owner of the sought after domain after paying just £7 because a company accidentally listed it under those that were being sold for a low fee for 24 hours. The mistake has now been corrected.
Club Domains said that although it is within its right to cancel the transaction, its chief executive Colin Campbell said that they will honour the deal.
In a statement he said: "The registry does not believe it is in our best interest nor the best interest of the registrant to pull the name back given the substantial investment in time and money he has invested to launch credit.club.
"I informed the registrant of such matters and wish him a continued success."
Meanwhile, Mr Marler said: "My intent is to sell the domain, eventually.
"This domain is as good as any finance-related .club domain that exists.
"If the site grows in revenue the site can be considered a business venture, but at this point it's a domain investment."