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New CCTV in Hartlepool
Council approves plans to install CCTV at a waterfront site in Hartlepool.
03:57 27 April 2020
Proposals to install new CCTV cameras that will watch over the £1.4million waterfront in Hartlepool have been approved. The proposal, which was submitted earlier this year, states that the CCTV cameras will be installed near the Jackson's Landing site.
The approval follows a report to the council finance and policy committee that funds are available for the installation of CCTV cameras at key town cities, including the Waterfront and Church Square. The waterfront project is an extension of the scheme to install CCTV in Seaton Park, Rossmere Park, Burn Valley Gardens and Ward Jackson Park.
Council planning committee Stephanie Bell said that the scheme is in line with the council's vision. She said: "The proposal has been designed to complement the existing street-lighting sited along the Waterfront area.
"The council's community safety team has advised that the necessary regulations will be adhered to in the provision and operation of the CCTV.
"It is considered that the proposed development is acceptable in terms of visual amenity, neighbourhood amenity, community safety, highway safety and all other planning matters."