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- Fascism is not in itself a new order of society. It is the future refusing to be born.
- Aneurin Bevan on Society
- For a long time, society put obstacles in the way of women who wanted to enter the sciences.
- Sally Ride on Society
- For many centuries, suicides were treated like criminals by the society. That is part of the terrible legacy that has come down into society's method of handling suicide recovery. Now we have to fight off the demons that have been hanging around suicide for centuries.
- Judy Collins on Society
- For too long in this society, we have celebrated unrestrained individualism over common community.
- Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic.
- Thomas Szasz on Society
- Freedom in art, freedom in society, this is the double goal towards which all consistent and logical minds must strive.
- Victor Hugo on Society
- Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.
- Vladimir Lenin on Society
- Friendship! Mysterious cement of the soul, Sweet'ner of life, and solder of society.
- Robert Blair on Society
- Full participation in government and society has been a basic right of the country symbolizing the full citizenship and equal protection of all.
- Charles Rangel on Society