- Change theme
- Machines are worshipped because they are beautiful and valued because they confer power they are hated because they are hideous and loathed because they impose slavery.
- Bertrand Russell on Power
- Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.
- Making recess appointments when the Senate isn't in recess is neither rational nor moderate. It's a raw misuse of executive power by a president whose love of government is his most vulnerable spot with the electorate.
- John Podhoretz on Power
- Man is made or unmade by himself. By the right choice he ascends. As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, he holds the key to every situation.
- James Allen on Power
- Man's greatness lies in his power of thought.
- Blaise Pascal on Power
- Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.
- Napoleon Hill on Power
- Many have said of Alchemy, that it is for the making of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what virtue and power may lie in medicines.
- Paracelsus on Power
- Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.
- Edward De Bono on Power
- Mark Ruffalo, aka the Incredible Hulk, is the natural gas industry's worst nightmare: a serious, committed activist who is determined to use his star power as a superhero in the hottest movie of the moment to draw attention the environmental and public health risks of fracking.
- Jeff Goodell on Power
- Marvelous is the power which can be exercised, almost unconsciously, over a company, or an individual, or even upon a crowd by one person gifted with good temper, good digestion, good intellects, and good looks.
- Anthony Trollope on Power
- Master of the universe but not of myself, I am the only rebel against my absolute power.
- Pierre Corneille on Power
- Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.
- Men have defined the parameters of every subject. All feminist arguments, however radical in intent or consequence, are with or against assertions or premises implicit in the male system, which is made credible or authentic by the power of men to name.
- Andrea Dworkin on Power
- Men should think twice before making widow hood woman's only path to power.
- Gloria Steinem on Power
- Mere goodness can achieve little against the power of nature.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel on Power
- Militant feminists are pro-choice because it's their ultimate avenue of power over men. And believe me, to them it is a question of power. It is their attempt to impose their will on the rest of society, particularly on men.
- Rush Limbaugh on Power
- Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges... which are employed altogether for their benefit.
- Andrew Jackson on Power
- Money is power, and in that government which pays all the public officers of the states will all political power be substantially concentrated.
- Andrew Jackson on Power
- Money: power at its most liquid.
- Mason Cooley on Power
- Moral power is probably best when it is not used. The less you use it the more you have.
- Andrew Young on Power
- More than ever before, consumers have the ability to unify their voices and coalesce their buying power to influence corporate behaviors.
- Simon Mainwaring on Power
- Moreover, the practical recommendations deduced from ecological principles threaten the vested interests of commerce it is hardly surprising that the financial and political power created by these investments should be used sometimes to suppress environmental impact studies.
- Garrett Hardin on Power
- Most critical writing is drivel and half of it is dishonest. It is a short cut to oblivion, anyway. Thinking in terms of ideas destroys the power to think in terms of emotions and sensations.
- Raymond Chandler on Power
- Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca on Power
- Movies for adults sucked in the 1980s, and music for adults sucked even worse whether we're talking about Kathleen Turner flicks or Sting albums, the decade's non-teen culture has no staying power at all.
- Rob Sheffield on Power
- Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power.
- Bertrand Russell on Power
- Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.
- Elton John on Power
- Music is very spiritual, it has the power to bring people together.
- Edgar Winter on Power
- Music makes us want to live. You don't know how many times people have told me that they'd been down and depressed and just wanted to die. But then a special song caught their ear and that helped give them renewed strength. That's the power music has.
- Mary J. Blige on Power
- My dad is still Christian Scientist. My mom's not, and I'm not. But I believe in God, and that there's a higher power and an intelligence that's bigger than us and that we can rely on. It's not just us, thinking we are the ones in control of everything. That idea gives me support.
- Ellen DeGeneres on Power
- My mother taught me about the power of inspiration and courage, and she did it with a strength and a passion that I wish could be bottled.
- Carly Fiorina on Power
- My mother taught me that we all have the power to achieve our dreams. What I lacked was the courage.
- Clay Aiken on Power
- My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it. People need somebody to watch over them. Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger on Power
- My trust in a higher power that wants me to survive and have love in my life, is what keeps me moving forward.
- Kenny Loggins on Power
- Mystical references to society and its programs to help may warm the hearts of the gullible but what it really means is putting more power in the hands of bureaucrats.
- Thomas Sowell on Power