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- Of course I believe in aliens. I think it's very egocentric to think that there's nothing else with intelligence in the whole universe.
- Lizzie Brochere on Intelligence
- Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.
- Carl Jung on Intelligence
- One is to ensure that the war fighters and the intelligence analysts get the information that they need when they need it, in a format that's useful to them.
- Stephen Cambone on Intelligence
- One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence.
- Lewis Mumford on Intelligence
- One of the great intellectual failures of the American intelligence community, and especially the counterterrorism community, is to assume if someone hasn't attacked us, it's because he can't or because we've defeated him.
- Michael Scheuer on Intelligence
- One of the indictments of civilizations is that happiness and intelligence are so rarely found in the same person.
- William Feather on Intelligence
- Oprah is so bright, and her intelligence is so piercing that I don't think anyone who spends a few minutes with her isn't struck by that.
- Victoria Principal on Intelligence
- Our actions are the results of our intentions and our intelligence.
- E. Stanley Jones on Intelligence
- Our bodies are shaped to bear children, and our lives are a working out of the processes of creation. All our ambitions and intelligence are beside that great elemental point.
- Saint Augustine on Intelligence
- Our government is founded upon the intelligence of the people. I for one do not despair of the republic. I have great confidence in the virtue of the great majority of the people, and I cannot fear the result.
- Andrew Jackson on Intelligence
- Our intelligence community needs better coordination of operations and exchange of information, and that's why we need an overall director of national intelligence and a national counterterrorism center.
- Jim Ramstad on Intelligence
- Our intentions may be very good, but, because the intelligence is limited, the action may turn out to be a mistake - a mistake, but not necessarily a sin, for sin comes out of a wrong intention.
- E. Stanley Jones on Intelligence
- Our men and women in uniform deserve the best intelligence possible to help them protect America.
- Chris Cannon on Intelligence
- Our Soviet espionage efforts had virtually never, or had very seldom, produced any worthwhile political or economic intelligence on the Soviet Union.
- Aldrich Ames on Intelligence
- Over the course of two years, we arrived at a point where we began to look at the value added by making information more easily accessible across the intelligence community, both defense and national.
- Stephen Cambone on Intelligence