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- Jake Roberts has a hard enough time being Jake Roberts. The truth is a brutal thing, I just hope that the kids take the time to learn about each of the wrestlers in the game, and if the kids can learn from our mistakes, that would make me a happy man.
- Jake Roberts on Hope
- Jim Thorpe is someone I've always loved. He was an Olympic athlete, you know, and a football player from back in the day. I'd love to play him. And then there's a guy called Iceman who was a top hit man for the mob. I would love to play him. Actually, it's sort of in the works, so I hope it goes through.
- Channing Tatum on Hope
- Journalists say a thing that they know isn't true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true.
- Arnold Bennett on Hope
- Just as a mother finds pleasure in taking her little child on her lap, there to feed and caress him, in like manner our loving God shows His fondness for His beloved souls who have given themselves entirely to Him and have placed all their hope in His goodness.
- Alphonsus Liguori on Hope
- Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.
- Elie Wiesel on Hope