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- Make hunger thy sauce, as a medicine for health.
- Thomas Tusser on Health
- Make no mistake, a 'yes' vote on the Democrats' health care bill is a vote for taxpayer-funded abortions.
- John Boehner on Health
- Making sure that health care is affordable for every American. I think that is very, very important.
- Kendrick Meek on Health
- Man becomes weak or ill by accident as a consequence of the lack of resources. Even the most severally ill patients must be treated with the aim of restoring their health.
- Michael Servetus on Health
- Man does not live by soap alone and hygiene, or even health, is not much good unless you can take a healthy view of it or, better still, feel a healthy indifference to it.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton on Health
- Man needs difficulties they are necessary for health.
- Many health care providers, particularly physicians in rural and urban areas, are leaving the Government programs because of inadequate reimbursement rates.
- Many kids come out of college, they have a credit card and a diploma. They don't know how to buy a house or a car or health insurance or life insurance. They do not know basic microeconomics.
- Jesse Jackson on Health
- Many of us believe that we need health care reform. That being said - Americans felt like they weren't being listened to. There were a lot of people across the political spectrum who said we don't want a one-size-fits-all healthcare plan.
- Timothy Griffin on Health
- Many smart folks seem to think that if you just get your metaphors and messages right, you'll win. That if you start describing what you favor as a 'moral value' - 'affordable health care is a moral value' etc., - then you'll appeal to red-state voters.
- Many soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from serious, long-term, physical and mental health problems, due to their service. It is unconscionable to cut the already limited health care benefits available to these brave men and women.
- Mark Dayton on Health
- Mark Ruffalo, aka the Incredible Hulk, is the natural gas industry's worst nightmare: a serious, committed activist who is determined to use his star power as a superhero in the hottest movie of the moment to draw attention the environmental and public health risks of fracking.
- Jeff Goodell on Health
- Medical professionals, not insurance company bureaucrats, should be making health care decisions.
- Barbara Boxer on Health
- Medicine sometimes snatches away health, sometimes gives it.
- Medicine to produce health must examine disease and music, to create harmony must investigate discord.
- Mental agitations and eating cares are more injurious to health, and destructive of life, than is commonly imagined, and could their effects be collected, would make no inconsiderable figure in the bills of mortality.
- William Falconer on Health
- Mental health is often missing from public health debates even though it's critical to wellbeing.
- Diane Abbott on Health
- Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It's the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.
- Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn't organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.
- Ivan Illich on Health
- Money is to my social existence what health is to my body.
- Mason Cooley on Health
- Money spent on carbon cuts is money we can't use for effective investments in food aid, micronutrients, HIV/AIDS prevention, health and education infrastructure, and clean water and sanitation.
- Bjorn Lomborg on Health
- More and more surveys in the US are indicating a change in values taking place among consumers, who become more concerned about quality of life, food, health and the environment.
- David Korten on Health
- More than five million seniors have already saved money on their prescription drugs, and almost 33 million have benefited from free preventive services. The president cracked down hard on Medicare and health care fraud, recovering a record-breaking $10.7 billion over the last three years, protecting our seniors. That's what change looks like.
- Kathleen Sebelius on Health
- Moreover, environmental health at the local level has become narrowly focused, very much defined around regulations and the attendant regulatory debates.
- Samuel Wilson on Health
- Moreover, health center services save money and lives by treating diseases before they become chronic conditions, require hospital care or require a trip to the emergency room.
- Tim Murphy on Health
- Most American diets, even bad ones, provide more than enough calcium for bone health, especially for men.
- Andrew Weil on Health
- Most Americans want health insurance.
- Most illegals are without health insurance, and when these workers need emergency healthcare, the American taxpayer gets stuck with the bill.
- Spencer Bachus on Health
- Most of the provisions designed to fix what ails our health system don't kick in until 2014, which, one wishes administration officials had noticed, is two years after he has to win an election.
- Eric Alterman on Health
- Most of the State of the Union will not be about Iraq. Most of the State of the Union will be about improving America's economy and providing greater access to health care for millions of American people, including senior citizens.
- Ari Fleischer on Health
- Mr. Obama still has time to reverse course. A great deal depends on it. To fail on health care yet again might well be the 'Waterloo' Republicans dream of.
- Thomas Frank on Health
- Mr. Speaker, our Nation must no longer be complacent about underage drinking and its alarming consequences. We must bring this national public health crisis out of the shadow and into the bright light of a national priority.
- Lucille Roybal-Allard on Health
- My age and health will never allow me to realize the dream of art I've been pursuing all my life.
- Paul Cezanne on Health
- My background is in health care.
- Bobby Jindal on Health
- My body is like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I don't think about it, I just have it.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger on Health
- My cooking philosophy, what I try to do, is to make a cuisine where the produce and the product shines, compared to some current trends that are maybe more adding additional things, like molecular cuisine, with a lot of additives and chemicals, which are now showing that they could be bad for your health.
- Joel Robuchon on Health
- My Dad is my hero. He's 85 now and he is in great health. He is handsome and strong. He has an incredible moral and ethical backbone. I couldn't have been luckier with my parents.
- Harry Connick, Jr. on Health
- My daily schedule is quite hectic, but I have to put my health first in order to be the best mom and wife I can be.
- Ellen Pompeo on Health
- My father was a member of the Teamsters Union in California, where he helped to organize better health care for workers. My mother worked for more than 20 years on an assembly line.
- Hilda Solis on Health
- My father was a small-town banker. He became very ill when I was 10 years old, and we went to California three years later in an attempt to recover his health, which never happened.
- Warren Christopher on Health
- My good health is due to a soup made of white doves. It is simply wonderful as a tonic.
- Chiang Kai-shek on Health
- My health and my family are the core of my being.
- Jon Bon Jovi on Health
- My health is fine.
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Health
- My health is good and it's up to me to keep it that way.
- Charles Kennedy on Health
- My health is the No. 1 concern and my longevity is the No. 1 concern.
- Alonzo Mourning on Health
- My health is very good.
- Barbara Bush on Health
- My health is very much improved.
- Lech Walesa on Health
- My health is wonderful. I work out. I'm working. Playing music. I have a beautiful wife, a nice home, a nice car, I got money in the bank. I got three beautiful dogs that love me. Like I said, I'm blessed. I survived.
- Steven Adler on Health
- My health may be better preserved if I exert myself less, but in the end doesn't each person give his life for his calling?
- Clara Schumann on Health
- My hobbies include maintaining my physical and mental health. It's a full-time job. Yoga definitely helps for both of them. I'm a big fan of relaxing and not having a schedule. That's my best way to keep from going crazy.
- Olivia Thirlby on Health
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