- Change theme
- Reason is a crutch for age, but youth is strong enough to walk alone.
- John Dryden on Alone
- Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone.
- Recommend to your children virtue that alone can make them happy, not gold.
- Ludwig Van Beethoven on Alone
- Recommend virtue to your children it alone, not money, can make them happy. I speak from experience.
- Ludwig Van Beethoven on Alone
- Religion is the possibility of the removal of every ground of confidence except confidence in God alone.
- Karl Barth on Alone
- Remember we're all in this alone.
- Lily Tomlin on Alone
- Remember, man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up.
- John C. Maxwell on Alone
- Remember, the burden of sorrow is doubled when it is borne alone.
- Goran Persson on Alone
- Research and development needs permanent tax credits to build the technology that spurs our growth. But no government programs alone can get America's students to study more science and math parents must push and help their children to meet this goal.
- Ernest Istook on Alone
- Rigid, the skeleton of habit alone upholds the human frame.
- Virginia Woolf on Alone