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Everything You Need to Know About Espresso Coffee
See how you can easily make yours every day at home
16:24 10 January 2019
Espresso is a concentrated type of coffee made by brewing finely ground coffee beans using high water pressure. If you go to a coffee shop and ask for it, you will be served a shot-sized glass containing a small amount of very strong coffee that is sure to awaken your mind and body for a busy day.
The term espresso comes from the Italian word “express.” It is called such because espresso takes a shorter time to make compared to other types of coffee. It is made by forcing approximately 1.5 ounces of pressurised water near boiling point through tightly packed, finely ground espresso coffee to produce a slightly thick dark brown liquid. This can be taken as is but is also the base for different types of espresso drinks, including café latte, cappuccino and café mocha.
There are a number of elements to consider when making espresso, including but not limited to the fineness of the ground coffee, water pressure and temperature and how tightly the coffee is packed. The beans used are much finer with a consistency that is almost like powdered sugar.
Different types of espresso
· Short black – This is the foundation of every espresso-based drink. It refers to a shot of espresso served in a shot-sized glass.
· Double espresso – As the term implies, this refers to two shots of espresso in one cup.
· Macchiato – This contains a dollop of steamed milk and foam, which make espresso significantly less bitter.
· Ristretto – This is made using the same amount of coffee as a regular espresso but half the amount of water. Thus, it is more concentrated and darker.
· Americano – This combines hot water with an espresso shot.
· Café latte – An espresso-based drink with steamed milk and micro-foam, which make the coffee significantly sweeter.
· Cappuccino – This is similar to a latte. However, cappuccino contains more foam and chocolate.
· Mocha – A mixture of chocolate powder with an espresso shot, steamed milk, and micro-foam.
If you’re an espresso lover and wish to make your very own any time at the comforts of your own home, there are a number of espresso machine that you can take advantage of at anthonysespresso.com. Their machines will enable you to make espresso-based coffee in just one touch of a button. It eliminates the need for expertise and skills of a professional barista but provides the perfect cup of coffee each and every time.