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Environmentally Friendly Smart Homes
Home automation can be used to make your home not just smart but also environment-friendly.
14:08 22 February 2018
Home automation is the process of making your home smart so it can perform certain tasks, like switching lights on and off and adjusting your thermostats, on its own. This offers us convenience and improves our daily experience.
This technology also offers other benefits and one of the most interesting is it can make your home not just smart but environment-friendly as well. Efficient lighting systems, for example, can be used to save energy. According to the International Energy Agency, nearly 20per cent of global electricity use goes to lighting. If everyone switched to efficient lighting system, we can all save energy by up to 10per cent.
Installing thermostat control can further boost energy efficiency. It can automatically adjust temperature in your home for greatest efficiency and comfort. Energy use can also be reduced with automated shades that are designed to automatically block glare, which can heat the home and combat the effectiveness of the air conditioning system.
Another way to become environmental-friendly is automating your lawn care. There are automated sprinkle systems that adjust for rainfall in the area so you won’t be wasting water sprinkling in the rain.