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Daniel becomes the evil Mastermind
Eleven-year-old Daniel Parker has won the title of Junior Mastermind - using his specialist knowledge of James Bond villains to propel him to the titl
17:23 09 September 2004
Eleven-year-old Daniel Parker has won the title of Junior Mastermind - using his specialist knowledge of James Bond villains to propel him to the title.
The quiz show that sees people grilled for two minutes on both their chosen specialist subject and their general knowledge, has been going for more than 30 years and made minor celebrities of some of its first winners.
Daniel, from Cardiff, chose to answer questions on the VW Beetles in his first round and James Bond villains in the final.
Jacob Richler-Kleiman from Manchester came second.
Other children chose to answer questions about the geography of Australia and frogs.
Daniel said he chose Bond Villains because: "I like the action, the cars and the gadgets and I think the villains make up what the Bond film is today.
"I think Jaws is the best of the baddies."
John Humphrys, host of Mastermind, said: "I know it's the oldest cliche in the book, but they were all winners. They did wonderfully well - far better than I'd expected."

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