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Dancing Tadpoles
A "remarkable" new tadpole that burrows through sand was discovered by scientists in the Western Ghats of India.
21:41 31 March 2016
A group of scientists from the University of Delhi, University of Peradeniya, and Gettysburg College have discovered tadpoles that burrow through sand and swallow materials in the Western Ghats of India. The tadpoles belong to the Indian Dancing frog family, Micrixalidae.
In the report, the scientists claim that the tadpoles were discovered from "deep recesses of streambeds" where they "live in total darkness until they fully develop into froglets".
"These tadpoles probably remained unnoticed all these years because of their fossorial nature, which in itself is a rare occurrence in the amphibian world," said Prof SD Biju from University of Delhi.
Meanwhile, Prof Madhava Meegaskumbura from University of Peradeniya explained that Micrixalidae tadpoles "have ribs and this provides them greater muscle attachment" to help them "wriggle through sand".
He added: "Only four families of frogs are reported to have ribs, but we show that at least some of Micrixalidae also have ribs, even as tadpoles.”
The study also revealed that the tadpoles do not have teeth but a “well-serrated jaw sheaths” that help them avoid large sand grains while feeding.
It also said: "Observations made so far show that the tadpoles inhabit sandy banks under canopy-covered streams.”