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Bexley Bid for Gigabit Broadband
The London Borough of Bexley is the latest to put in a bid to the UK government’s £200 million local full fibre gigabit broadband network.
19:44 07 February 2018
Bexley has become the latest local authority to put in a bid to the UK government’s £200million Local Full Fibre Network (LFFN) programme. The bid is for £5million in the form of a government grant, which would be ma tched by around £3million of public funding.
Cllr Don Massey, Deputy Leader of the Council, said: “The bid is part of our ambitious plans to provide Bexley with the very latest Gigabit digital infrastructure. Not only that, it will save money and improve the delivery of public services for years to come.
Cllr Linda Bailey, Cabinet member for Regeneration and Growth, echoed Cllr Massey’s statement. “This bid is part of our ambitious plans to improve the borough’s broadband connectivity. We’ve planned the project carefully to support our plans for growth and support local businesses.”
Other local authorities to make similar bids include Norfolk. If their bid is successful, work would begin immediately to acquire the new network. The Government is yet to confirm which of the bids will be approved.