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2018 Manchester Piccadilly Strategic Regeneration Framework
Manchester City Council approves the 2018 Manchester Piccadilly Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF).
20:59 03 August 2018
Following a public consultation, the Manchester City Council has approved the 2018 Manchester Piccadilly Strategic Regeneration Framework. Its goal is to create a one station solution that encourages all infrastructure stakeholders to work together and transform the station into a gateway to the city. The plan involves utilising poorly connected lands and transforming them into high-quality areas by redeveloping their streets, squares and parks. The project will also feature The Boulevard, a new major east-west route that will open up the development lands as well as connect areas to the east through Piccadilly Central and link a number of new public spaces.
Bennetts Associates director Julian Lipscombe said: “The wider SRF and Piccadilly Central represent one of the biggest development opportunities in the UK. Collectively, they will make a significant impact on the economies of the city and the region.
“The SRF is intended to be ambitiously transformative whilst creating a sustainable locale for people that speaks of a Mancunian sense of place. Getting the station right is fundamental to success and we believe the proposals are a significant contribution to achieving this objective.”