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Women apply over 500 chemicals every day
09:12 26 November 2009
Take a look in your bathroom cabinet and you will probably find all sorts of beauty products to help keep you glamorous from head to toe.
Add to that the contents of your makeup case and favourite perfumes and you're set for the day or a night on the town. But have you ever considered exactly what is in those bottles and jars?
A new report has revealed we put incredible 515 chemicals on our body every day. What's more, the supposed "anti-ageing" treatments to keep us looking youthful could be having the opposite effect and make our skin age faster. Even more worrying than that, some of the ingredients could have potentially dangerous side effects.
In the poll of 2,016 women, researchers found that the average women uses up to 13 products daily, with most containing more than 20 ingredients each.
Natural deodorant brand Bionsen, who conducted the study, reported that perfume was the worst offender in terms of loading our bodies with chemicals, often containing a mix of 250 additives, and some fragrances can include up to 400 components.
The researchers also found that many women were either unaware or not bothered by the number of chemicals that their daily routine added onto their bodies.
In the study, more than a third of the women polled said they were unaware of the key ingredients in their toiletries, with only 9% aware of most of the ingredients in their cosmetics.
More than 70% said they were not concerned about the number of chemicals they put on their skin and only one in 10 opted for chemical-free toiletries when shopping.
However, according to Bionen's report, many of the substances used in beauty products could be found in household cleaners, and some have been linked to skin irritations, hormone disturbances, fertility problems and even cancer.
"Women have never been more image-conscious and their beauty regimes have changed dramatically over the years, from a simple 'wash & go' attitude, to daily fake tan applications, regular manicures, false lashes and hair extensions," said Bionsen's Charlotte Smith.
"Lots of the high-tech, new generation cosmetics and beauty 'wonder' treatments naturally contain more chemicals to be able to achieve even better results, which, of course, means that women now carry more chemicals than ever before."
Here is a rundown of the most common products we use from head to toe and the potential risks they could pose:
Typically contains: 15 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Terasodium and Propylene
Potential side effects: Irritation and possible eye damage
Typically contains: 11 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Octinoxate, Isophthaltes
Potential side effects: Irritation to the eyes, nose and throat; hormone disruption (linked to cell structure changes); allergies
Fake tan
Typically contains: 22 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Ethylparaben, Propylparaben and Methylparaben
Potential side effects: Irritation; rashes; hormone disruption
Body lotion
Typically contains: 32 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Propylparaben, Methylparaben and Polyethylene Glycol (found in oven cleaners)
Potential side effects: Irritation; rashes; hormone disruption
Typically contains: 15 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Isoprpyl Myristate, 'Parfum'
Potential side effects: Irritation of the skin, eyes and lungs; dizziness; respiratory difficulties
Typically contains: 24 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Polymethyl methacrylate
Potential side effects: Allergies; disruption to the immune system; links to cancer
Typically contains: 16 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Ethylparabens, Propylparaben and Methylparaben
Potential side effects: Irritation; rashes; hormone disruption
Typically contains: 26 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Polythylene terephthalate
Potential side effects: Links to infertility and cancer; hormonal disruption; damage to the body's organs
Typically contains: 33 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Polymenthyl methacrate
Potential side effects: Allergies; links to cancer
Nail varnish
Typically contains: 31 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Phthalates
Potential side effects: Links to fertility issues and problems in developing babies
Typically contains: 250 chemicals
Most worrying contents: Benzaldehyde
Potential side effects: Irritation of the mouth, throat and eyes; nausea; links to kidney damage