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WEIRD NEWS OF THE WEEK: Meet Boneco - the world's first beekeeping donkey with his own uniform
In Brazil, beekeeping isn't only performed by humans...
By Dave Lancaster |17:33 30 April 2014
Boneco the donkey has become an internet sensation. No ordinary ass, Boneco is actually a trained (and highly successful) beekeeper, complete with his own sting-resistant suit.
His owner, a beekeeper called Manuel Juraci, needed a partner to harvest honey in Itatira, Brazil and found that Boneco could fit the bill.
Manuel set about making a protective suit for his new staff member and with a little training, the duo have become the most successful of the region’s 120 beekeepers.
In Brazil, beekeepers have to be careful about their specific breed - Africanized bees, sometimes referred to as killer bees.
Talking to Brazilian television station G1 Ceara, Manuel said: “The donkey is the only one in the entire Brazil that does this job."
Manuel may have been selling himself short - it's thought that Boneco is the only donkey in the world employed in this fashion.
But the relationship is more than just professional. "Not to discount the others but Boneco is a faithful friend," Manuel gushed.