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Virtual School Tours
Virtual school tours help children in the north and northeast move on with their education.
21:54 08 June 2021
Schools are exploring available technology as they try to make the transition during the pandemic a little easier for children.
Prior to the pandemic, children were allowed to visit the school they will be joining before classes formally start. Last year, most young people moving up had online transitions as schools are forced to follow social distancing and lockdown protocols.
However, school chiefs are now using available technology as they help the class of 2021 prepare for the next school year.
In Aberdeen, new students are allowed to tour their new school through a computer screen.
Dr Frances Murray, who has been the headteacher of the Nicolson Institute in Stornoway for a decade, said: “Usually we’d have two days where the pupils could come and visit and experience the school but we have been unable to do that this year.
“We do have a slight advantage in that we finish at 1.15pm on a Friday so we use that time to give the primary sevens to get a tour of the school.
“There are a lot less people in school on a Friday afternoon so it is a good time to show them round. Some of the prefects stay back to help with the tours as well
“They have to follow the rules like using hand sanitiser, wearing face coverings and keeping windows open.
“It helps address any anxieties they might have about moving up to first year.
“Last year we also filmed a tour of the school with me as the guide and we have been sending that out alongside the visits.
“The video has also been useful for new members of staff to look at.”