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Twins for Street's Sunita
Sunita is in for a shock when she has her first baby scan - she's got two buns in the oven.
14:29 09 August 2005
Sunita is in for a surprise when she has her first baby scan - she's got two buns in the oven.
The shock news comes just after she and Dev find out that their bid for a dream house has been trumped.
So Sunita is left with a quandary - two sprogs mean twice the investment, but she's desperate to secure the perfect house in which to raise them.
She puts in a higher bid for the house without telling Dev, who inevitably explodes with rage at the news and insists that she withdraw the offer.
Meanwhile the couple's cash-strapped situation means that Lloyd manages to broker a deal with Dev for his share of Corrie's very own taxi service, Streetcars.
Elsewhere on the Wetherfield soap Vera finally leaves Jack after what seems like decades of arguing, bitching and nagging.

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