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Trouble ahead
There may be trouble on the horizon for the Big Brother contestants as alcohol could return to the house.
11:34 01 July 2004
There may be trouble on the horizon for the Big Brother contestants as alcohol could return to the house.
Since the infamous Emma/Victor/Nadia/Jason/Marco/Dan fight the housemates have been on a very strict booze ration.
In fact the only time a drop has passed their lips was when new housemate Becki brought three bottles of bubbly in with her.
Yesterday the housemates partied on after their Glastonbury-based task was completed successfully - they were given music, food, but no alcohol.
However, they have also been given a full shopping budget and already begun spending.
And tension is rising to almost unprecedented levels.
With three members of the harem up for eviction, the plotters are strutting and the nominees are very angry.
"They're like wounded animals," Victor noted.
The consultant who warned producers that violence would follow Michelle and Emma back into the house has said that more violence is "inevitable".
If they are allowed to add alcohol to their shopping list then it might not just be inevitable, but imminent.
Emma and Vanessa, two of the protagonists, have left the house - but the addition of Becki has hardly been a calming influence.
Jason is especially suspicious.
"[She's going] round to become everyone's best friend," the Scot told his fellow predators.
"That's good; that's what you've got to do...but at some point the falseness has to disappear and you have to make your choices," he added.
"Nice girl but she has an agenda," he concluded.
"If she hadn't come in, we could have pushed anyone around," Victor bragged.
The girl in question has been putting herself through her own routine to keep in control.
Up first this morning the surgically enhanced florist was seen wandering round the garden chanting to herself.
"I'm grateful for this opportunity...I'm grateful for my body... I'm grateful for my friends...I'm grateful for my talent... I'm grateful for the joy I have in my life.... I'm grateful for the people that have helped me... I'm grateful for the sunshine... I'm grateful for the grass... I'm grateful for the Jacuzzi... thank you higher power... thank you nature..." she intoned.

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