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Tips to keep your car insurance payments down
The following tips will enable you lower your car insurance.
12:58 24 January 2014
Car owners grapple with paying car insurance when premiums are reviewed annually. If you are a car owner, it is a statutory requirement for you to be covered by an insurance company. However, premiums are increasingly difficult to pay as the cost of living continues to rise.
1. Secure your car
When you notify your car insurer that you have taken measure to safeguard your car, your premiums will have some money shaved off. It is encouraged that you put a tracker, alarm or an immobilizer. These adjustments can equal up to 5 per cent in deductions.
2. Lower the mileage
If you can lower the mileage that your car does, expect to make a lot of savings in the way of insurance premiums. However, for this to work you have to ensure you are very honest about it. Look at the car use cover. It should be clearly indicated whether you go to work with it or do other things with it. Clarifying this ensures that you can get lower premiums.
3. Young drivers
If you have kids, you should have the car insured in their name albeit it is very risky nowadays. If you are going to take this step ensure that you are listed as the main driver only if you use this car often.
4. Switching
It is important that you know if switching a new car will affect the premium you pay. Sports cars for instance attract a very high premium. Cars with smaller engine attract a low premium.
5. Drive better and cut down on your premium
You can lower your insurance premiums by actually driving better or by installing the Blackbox system. Insurance companies install such systems in your car to monitor your driving and discover how much of a risk-free driver you are.
By following the above tips, you can expect lower insurance premiums.