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Three Careers to Consider if You Love Sport
If you have a passion for sport and fitness, but aren't necessarily aiming to be a professional athlete...
13:29 20 May 2016
If you have a passion for sport and fitness, but aren't necessarily aiming to be a professional athlete, there are lots of career options where you can make use of your passion, drive and enthusiasm. Even if you have been sidelined from the sport you yourself like best due to injury, you can find technical or knowledge based outlets for your love of sport and exercise that can also make for rewarding careers. Here are just three careers you might consider:
Coaching or Management
In the professional sports world, coaches and managers can be as famous and revered – or even more so – than athletes, and not all of the people renowned as sports managers were ever prominent athletes themselves. If you choose to focus on coaching as a career rather than playing, and base your studies on that, you can give yourself the right background to coach at levels starting with youth and community, and then working your way up as high as you can! Whether your aim is to coach and manage a prestigious university team or even a professional sports team or athlete, look into studying things like sports psychology and consider doing a kinesiology degree online to arm yourself with the knowledge and skills.
Fitness Training
These days, the fitness and weight loss industry is worth a fortune, and if you are good at motivating people and spreading your own enthusiasm for fitness, you can make a great career out of it. Whether you run classes at a gym or offer personal training services, or even aim for a following by making fitness videos or products for the internet, you can have fun doing the types of activity you love while also helping people reach their own goals. Being expert in not only the styles of training you work with but also nutrition is important, as generally people expect their fitness trainers to also be able to help them to supplement their workouts with a good eating plan, so look at studying this as well as things like muscle and anatomy.
Sports Journalism
If what you love most in sport is following the careers of the top athletes and teams and supporting your favorites, then a great way to become involved in that world as a professional is to become a sports journalist. You can get the chance to go to sports events as a member of the press, write about the sports and teams you follow, and can develop a following of your own. You may also even get to meet and interview your heroes! The traditional route is of course to study journalism and then work your way up from local media, however thanks to blogging and internet media you can also find other ways to publish your writing and try to build up your profile. Starting by blogging as a fan of a local team can also be a great way to open doors and build a portfolio of work.
These are just three things you could think about doing as a career if you love sport!