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Sudgen brothers reconciled
Andy and Robert Sudgen are set to resolve their differences over their father's hospital bed.
11:39 11 May 2004
Andy and Robert Sudgen are set to resolve their differences over their father's hospital bed.
Emmerdale's battling Sudgen brothers will see sense after dad Jack is shot.
Andy Sudgen loses it when he discovers brother Robert has been doing the dirty with his new bride Kate. He wants to end his own life, but when his dad talks him out of it a new plan forms in the farmer's head.
He sneaks off with a shotgun and hides outside the caravan where his brother and missus are shacked up. But tragedy strikes when Andy shoots his dad by mistake.
"Robert is shattered, he realises that it could be him lying there fighting for his life," an Emmerdale insider told the Daily Star.
"He tells Andy not to worry about the police because he'll smooth it over by saying he was with him when the gun went off."
Soap sources say that bosses have not yet decided if dad Jack - played by Clive Hornby - makes it through.
If he dies it will mean that Andy, played by Kelvin Fletcher, has knocked off both his parents.
He killed his adopted mother Sarah when he failed to realise she was inside a barn he torched for the insurance money.

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