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"Shocking" 14 billion bill for graduates
The Liberal Democrats are claiming top-up fees could mean that the class of 2010 will face a 14 billion debt when they graduate.
11:22 23 June 2004
The Liberal Democrats are claiming top-up fees could mean that the class of 2010 will face a 14 billion debt when they graduate.
Phil Willis, the Lib Dem education spokesman commented: "This figure is shocking. Higher Education should be about ability to learn, not ability to pay.
The government's Higher Education Bill is expected to go through Parliament today, this could set the scene for variable charging - or top-up fees - for universities.
"Today's decision on top-up fees will leave students graduating in 2010 with a debt twice the size of the government's budget for higher education this year," said Mr Willis.
"Fees equal debt. As fees increase, so will the number of students being forced to take desperate measures to pay off their debt.
"For the first time in four years the intake of working class students into our universities has not increased. Once again higher education is about to become the province of the wealthy, as real fear of debt will keep low and middle income families out of universities."
The Liberal Democrats have said they will scrap all university fees, and increase income tax for those earning more than 100,000 to compensate.
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