it's an internet thing! est 1999
Former cabinet minister Andrew Mitchell has likened Russia’s attacks on the city of Aleppo to the raid on Guernica, Spain by the Nazis in the 1930s.
Pakistan’s Islamabad Benazir Bhutto International Airport is number one in the 2014 list.
A museum worker who talked to Prince Charles said that he likened some Nazi actions in Europe to those of Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
Misha Defonseca was ordered to pay back £13.3m after she admitted that most of her story was pure fantasy.
The loyal MI5 agent known as Jack King made it possible for the secret service to control every move by Britain’s enemy.
A study released by the UN revealed human rights abuses in North Korea described as "strikingly similar" to Nazi-era atrocities.
An 88-year-old ex-member of Hitler’s SS, who denied taking part in a massacre that killed hundreds of villagers, has been charged.
Brad Pitt’s war film bosses ignored emotional pleas and filmed Nazi battle scenes in England on Remembrance Day.
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Media reports claim that looted artworks worth around €1bn were found in Munich, Germany.
A US drone strike carried out on Wednesday has left militant leader Mullah Nazir dead...