it's an internet thing! est 1999
Demand for Islamic Forex Brokers has exploded recently as traders seek to engage in foreign currency markets while following Islamic financial norms.
A preschool teacher admitted lying about being stabbed by a man shouting "Islamic State."
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that Islamic State militants have captured at least 90 Assyrian Christians.
Shamima Begum, Kadiza Sultana and Amira Abase disappeared last week – two months after a fellow pupil is thought to have left to join Islamic State
Islamist militants have released a video calling for terrorist attacks on some of the busiest shopping areas in the UK and US.
Dozens of Jordanian fighter jets have launched bombing raids on Isis targets in response to the burning alive of a Jordanian pilot.
Commenting on Charlie Hebdo’s ‘survivor’s edition’, Pope Francis said that there are limits to the freedom of expression.
The Canadian government has so far found no evidence to link the gunman to Middle Eastern Islamist extremists.
The US defence department confirmed that it is now investigating a video apparently showing Islamic State militants in control of US weapons.
Pakistan’s Islamabad Benazir Bhutto International Airport is number one in the 2014 list.
America has given Kurdish fighters weapons to hold down the town of Kobani, in a move likely to anger key ally Turkey.
There have been 218 terrorism-related arrests this year with 16 people charged with alleged extremist activity.
The president said that IS became stronger than anticipated after their tie-up with Saddam Hussein’s old army in Iraq.
Parliament is set to vote whether or not the UK will get involved in the US-led attacks against Islamic State at about 17:00 BST today.
The group released a statement encouraging supporters of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria to attack citizens of US, France, and UK.
Tony Abbott said that they received an intelligence report suggesting that ISIS planned a ttack that will involve beheading a random person in Sydney.
Leaders are now discussing measures to protect the UK and counter threats from Islamic extremists
islamic state threat
On August 12, Foley’s parents received an email from IS militants to inform them that their son will be executed.
Senior Pentagon officials admit that Islamic State (Isis) militant group posed an ‘imminent threat’.