it's an internet thing! est 1999
Life on Earth may have arrived from Mars on an asteroid, scientists have claimed.
Nasa plans to explore a $10,000 quadrillion asteroid in 2023.
NASA reveals an ambitious plan that involves lassoing an asteroid boulder to save the planet.
Dinosaurs’ extinction was caused by a combined effect of deadly volcanic eruption and asteroid strike, scientists have claimed.
Icy, early asteroids may have been the source of water buried deep inside the Moon, researchers have claimed.
Dinosaurs "in decline" 50 million years before asteroid strike.
Scientists are building a mini death star to protect Earth from killer asteroids.
Conspiracy theorists claim that an asteroid will destroy Earth on September 21.
Conspiracy theorists are convinced that a giant asteroid spells the end for Earth.
Asteroid 2000 EM26 zoomed past Earth at a speed of 27,000mph.
Sky gazers eagerly anticipate the space rock 2012 DA 14 passing by planet Earth this weekend