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Rod Richards joins UKIP to make a difference
Without action, issues like Payment Protection Insurance mistakes would not have solutions.
07:22 15 July 2013
Rod Richards, former Tory MP has just announced that he has joined UKIP because apparently he felt he must do more than simply voice concerns and complaints about the current events and what changes needed to be made for the good of the UK.
When it comes to making decisions about important matters, there will always need to be those who stand up for change. When an issue with Payment Protection Insurance was brought to the public’s attention there were many individuals who became catalysts for change. Here are a few ways to be involved and active:
- Involvement—one of the ways the issue was made public regarding the Payment Protection Insurance matter was through those who made sure they were involved. Had more people actively read their bills on a regular basis they might have noticed confusing charges on their accounts and could have shaved years off the problem by bringing it to the public’s eye. You first have to decide to be involved.
- Active—many times deciding to be involved is not the toughest part of approaching a situation such as the Payment Protection Insurance matter, but the question is more of the best way to approach. Spreading awareness is important and the more people who support a cause, the more others will listen and lend their own talents and skills to the cause.
- Overall good—the best causes are ones that advance the good of the people overall, rather than limited interests. Finding a way to connect your cause to the good of humanity can help tip the scales in your favour. If this doesn’t exactly apply, sometimes it’s enough to point out the wrongdoing such as what happened with Payment Protection Insurance, and suggest specific courses of action to resolve the matter.
- Resolutions—a catalyst for change approaches issues with solutions rather than a litany of complaints so action can be taken.
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