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Private struggles for BB soldiers
The latest task for the Big Brother inmates is proving more difficult than expected.
13:36 11 July 2004
The latest task for the Big Brother inmates is proving more difficult than expected and the gang may already have failed their military challenge.
Following a night of sentry duty, Stuart sent the contestants into a state of confusion by pointing out that the rules stated: "The Privates must eat their rations out of their billycans, whilst sitting on the sofa."
The panicking privates worked out that Stuart, Victor and Shell had all eaten while on duty, prompting Ahmed to accuse Big Brigadier of wanting the housemates to fail. The temporary soldiers will now have to wait until Monday to learn their fate.
Meanwhile, tensions between the Sergeants and Privates at BB Boot Camp are starting to build, with Nadia dubbing Dan 'Private Head Boy' for sucking up to Michelle and Jason.
The Portuguese firebrand also lost it with Sergeant Jason during a discussion about rules, telling him she was going to smoke, regardless of "Sergeant's discretion."
Jason told her not to fly off the handle about the smoking issue, causing Nadia to explode and accuse him of picking on her.
Jason aimed a handful of inadvisable jibes at the buxom firecracker and Nadia lost it, screaming at him, "You moron! You bully!".
Shell is also finding being bossed about by her fellow housemates hard, telling Nadia and Dan: "Wait 'til Thursday. I'm going to go nuts."
"Jason won't know what hit him," Dan agreed.
Michelle is starting to worry about how she is coming across to the privates.
"I feel like everyone's starting to dislike me 'cos I'm a frigging Sergeant," she told Victor.

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