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Premium bonds hit the web
Premium bonds are now available online for the first time.
16:31 09 February 2005
Premium bonds are now available online for the first time.
The low-risk investments that offer tax-free prizes of up to 1 million can be purchased via the National Savings & Investment (NS&I) website.
The move is intended to make premium bonds more accessible and encourage more people to consider them as a potential investment.
Purchases can be made online using either a debit or credit card.
Visitors to the site select how much they want to invest, starting with a minimum of 100 then in multiples of 10, up to the maximum investment limit of 30,000 per person.
"The option to buy premium bonds online is another feature of NS&I's long-term plan to develop premium bonds and to make it easier for customers to save and invest," NS&I said in a statement.
In May 2003, NS&I raised the upper investment limit to 30,000.
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