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Pitt pays for sloppy swordsmanship
Brad Pitt got hit in the wallet - as well as the arm - during fight sequences on his new film.
10:25 07 May 2004
Brad Pitt got hit in the wallet - as well as the arm - during fight sequences on his new film.
While filming the soon-to-be-released "Troy" Pitt engaged in a number of on-camera fights.
The climax of the film is arguably the fight between Pitt's character, Achilles, and Eric Bana's Hector.
The scene promises to be one of the great on-screen fights and after weeks of rehearsals they decided to add a little extra spice to their swordplay.
"These things [swords] are fake but they still hurt, so you've gotta make sure you get out the way; you gotta make sure we're accurate," explained Pitt.
"We devised a kind of incentive not to take each other's heads off, that we would have to pay - whoever hit the other guy would have to pay him $50 for a slight hit and $100 for a heavy hit."
But the plan hardly worked in the favour of the "Fight Club" star.
"It was $750 to Eric," he explained.
"I hit him a few times and I had to pay myself $200!"

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