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Newport 5G Mast Rejected
Newport City Council rejects Three's application for an 'intrusive and unneighbourly' 5G mast.
10:17 04 November 2021
CK Hutchison Networks' application to build a 20-metre high 5G mast on Duffryn Drive has been officially rejected by Newport City Council.
The city planners said that the mast is deemed "intrusive and unneighbourly" and would "detract from the attractive character of the area". The decision was finalised despite having no objections from the conservation officer, public protection manager or highways department.
In their application, CK Hutchison Networks admitted that they are having difficulties in finding a suitable location for a new 5G telecommunications mast". However, it argued that the mast is a "minimal modern telecoms installation necessary to extend high-speed mobile coverage" in the area.
"As this mast is a 5G installation, to work it needs to be close to those who will benefit from the technology," it said, adding that locating it further from that area would likely "require a proliferation of masts to do the same job, and even then, we are likely to have coverage gaps".
The firm said they have considered other locations, including Jamaica Circle and along Tredegar House Drive, but were deemed unsuitable because they are too close to houses or schools.