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New to investing? Find out more here about OEICs
If you’re new to investing you’d do well to look in to OEICs when it comes to investing for your future
17:28 24 January 2013
Are you new to investing?
If so, OEICs are an ideal way for you to begin when you are looking into investment. Whether you’re planning on ways to secure yourself for your retirement, or you want to be successful at investing for other reasons, OEICs (or Open Ended Investment Company) are a good option.
This type of shared investment fund means that shares can be bought from the stock market in a bid to help you with your finances.
One thing to remember about OEICs is that you are categorised into a group with other people similar to yourself - who want to buy and sell shares. All of your money is put together in a pot so that shares can be bought.
An advantage of this is that collectively there is a much larger investment amount being offered when it comes to doing business with shares, compared to a smaller amount from a single investor.
Also, your money can be viewed as being safer because of this.
When it comes to OEICs, you can be aided by professional people who assist you with your funds. After all, wouldn’t we all like to be guided in something that is new to us? Especially when it involves our hard-earned cash?
You want to be assured when you’re investing in your future. If your plan is to have a side project to help you with your retirement funds, then it may also be worth bearing in mind that the value of your share could decrease.
This could mean that you end up with a smaller investment than what you expected. If you’d like to find out more information you could always research online or alternatively see a financial advisor.