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National Stop Snoring Week: Cures and treatments
11:30 10 May 2011
%%youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8mdXUn6DxI
With summer on the way more couples are venturing outside to enjoy the weather together, but when they return home their lives are not always so sunny.
A new survey has revealed that three quarters of couples regularly spend the night in separate bedrooms because one or both of them snores.
If you're relationship is being affected by snoring, we've got some good news: snoring is treatable.
This week is National Stop Snoring Week, which aims to raise awareness of snoring and the treatments available, with the help of Dr Rob Hicks.
Commissioned by British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association, the survey found that snoring is causing damage to relationships across the UK.
A staggering 75 per cent of UK couples are spending nights in separate rooms, causing embarrassment and distance between partners, and 61 per cent of them even think their sleeping arrangements are socially unacceptable, so wouldnÂ’t talk about them openly.
Whilst a small proportion of couples were happy to sleep in separate rooms more than 80 per cent said that they would return to the marital bed if their snoring issues were resolved.
A staggering 16 per cent of those surveyed had been sleeping separately for more than 10 years.