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More jobs coming to Northern Ireland
People may soon be celebrating the acquisition of one of these new positions.
08:45 26 June 2013
Recent news is that about 150 people in Northern Ireland may be happy about the prospect of possible new jobs.
Funding is committed for at least two years, which means that a few more people might be dusting off their debit cards and enjoying a little celebration.
If you have a debit card that you haven’t used in a while, here are a few things you might want to check before you start using it again
- Active—if it’s been a really long time since you’ve used your debit card, it might be a good idea to contact your bank and ensure that you won’t have trouble using it to make purchases. Some banks may stop unusual activity because they think the card has been stolen. It only takes a little while to make a call, but it could help avoid an embarrassing shopping situation.
- Expiration date—just to be on the safe side, make sure that your debit card hasn’t expired. You would probably notice if you received new cards in the mail, but sometimes that doesn’t happen as it should, so take a few moments to make sure that your debit card won’t be declined at the register from an expiration date.
- Fees—this one is probably the most important one. Many things might have changed since the last time you used your debit card. You could face certain fees for using it, both from the bank as well as from a shop. Find out what the current policies are for using your debit card so you can plan accordingly.
- Balance—even if you haven’t used your debit card any time recently, chances are you still know how much you have available in your account. If you’re not sure though, use your online banking access to verify the amount, or call your bank.
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