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More CCTV Cameras in Preston
Preston to use more CCTV cameras to monitor suicide spots in the area.
14:39 01 January 2019
Preston is one of the areas with a higher suicide rate compared to other places in England. According to a report by Lancashire County Council, Preston’s suicide rate has been consistently high between 2007 and 2014.
In an effort to minimise the risk of suicide, members of the Preston City Council (PCC) have recommended the use of CCTV to monitor suicide spots in the area. In addition, they also want to perform an annual audit of council–owned buildings as well as encourage owners of commercial properties in the city to conduct such an audit to enhance their security. They will also appoint a champion for mental health and suicide prevention.
Apart from new initiatives, a report by the council also outlines the ongoing work it will continue to undertake. It includes continuing its work with community members and local faith group leaders in sharing knowledge and understanding of suicide, detecting signs and “signposting individuals to help and deliver sensitive approaches to suicide and suicidal behaviour”.
Other work involves training for community groups and promoting mental health awareness.