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Milton Keynes 5G Protest Success
Milton Keynes residents block CK Hutchinson's application to build a 5G mast in Woughton on the Green.
00:01 17 June 2022
CK Hutchison's application to build a 59ft tall 5G mast on Newport Road, which is just 21 metres away from the Protected Ancient Monument site of a medieval sunken village, has been formally rejected by the local authority following fierce objection from residents, the Parks Trust and their parish council.
The application, which was originally submitted last month, was already heard and refused by MK Council. However, the giant telecom company decided to lodge an appeal, which was assessed by an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.
The inspector said that the 50ft tall mast would stand out as an "incongruous and dominant figure" within the surrounding streetscape and would harmfully detract from the character and appearance of the area.
“The proposed siting and appearance of the proposal would therefore have a harmful effect on the setting of nearby heritage assets and the wider character and appearance of the area.”
"In this case, I do not find that the public benefits outweigh the less than substantial harm arising to numerous heritage assets… heritage assets are a precious resource.”
Resident Nick Pacey said: “This is a massive result and a huge success for the residents of Woughton on the Green and a humiliating defeat for this communications giant. It was a real David and Goliath result.”