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If you're looking for no-nonsense, high-impact HR and management guidance, you've come to the right place.
02:04 20 March 2025
If you're looking for no-nonsense, high-impact HR and management guidance, you've come to the right place. Wendy Sellers entered the worldofHRwithoutadetailedroadmap—justadrivetosolveproblems and a fierce dedication to people and results. Overcoming countless challenges,she'sbuiltacareerrootedinauthenticity,transparency,and gettingthingsdone.AsanHRconsultant,managementtrainer,author, speaker, and podcast host, she brings her expertise and practical approach straight to you. Wendy’s style? Direct and all about results.
With over 25 years in HR operations, downsizing, change management, corporate culture, recruitment,coaching,andleadershipdevelopment,Wendy’sexperienceistherealdeal.She’s got the degrees (Master’s in HR and another in Healthcare Administration), and she’s held the titles (SPHR, SHRM-SCP) – but when the cookie-cutter training wasn’t cutting it, she made a namebykeepingitreal.Certifiedininternalworkplaceinvestigations,DiSCpersonalitytraining, and a licensed health/life insurance agent, she’s even a Dale Carnegie graduate, blending leadership with empathy because people matter.
From boardrooms to nonprofits, Wendy brings the heat to every project. She’s here to cut through the red tape and deliver progress, without sugar-coating (but also without the attitude).Shebelievesthatpeopleareacompany’sgreatestasset,andinvestingintheirgrowth isnon-negotiable.That’swhyshetrainsmanagersandsupervisorstoleadwithimpact,notjust to tick boxes. Oh and she has been featured in USA Today for insights on employee retention and management training.
Wendy’sworkedwithbusinessesofallsizes,fromlocalstartupstoglobalenterprises,spanning healthcare, professional services, technology, manufacturing, engineering, nonprofit, higher education, public safety, and government – to name a few. Her track record speaks volumes, and she’s here to get you moving in the right direction.
Her vision is “To help leaders create successful companies from which employees do not desperately want a vacation from”. Are you ready to cut through the noise and make real progress? Wendy is too. Let’s get to work.
Email: wendy@thehrlady.comWebsite:www.thehrlady.comPhone:407.493.1582,callortext LinkedIn YouTube Podcast