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Make Your Home Winter-Ready Thru These Tips
The winter months can be hard on your home if you are not prepared for the cold temperatures and heavy snow.
15:06 30 December 2019
During the winter the cold temperatures and heavy snow can cause significant damage to your home if you are not prepared.
Here are some quick tips you can use to help prepare your home for winter.
Have a Backup Power Source
During the winter season there can be some pretty nasty storms. Sleet, freezing rain, and heavy snow that can all lead to hazardous conditions on the road and for your home. During the winter, it is not uncommon for the power to go out during a severe storm. To prepare your home for power outages during the winter, you should consider investing in a reliable generator for your home. A generator can be used to power a heat source to keep you and your family safe and warm during power outages. If you live in an area that experiences extremely cold temperatures then it is very important to invest in a reliable generator for your home. If you are looking for a reliable home generator to keep you and your family warm this winter, the experts at The Popular Home compared some of the best generators on the market that you can choose from during these cold winter months. If you want the best generator you will need to consider what features and how much power you will need during an outage.
Check Your Roof
During the winter, it is not unusual to experience a snowstorm or two, but in some areas, they can get huge amounts of snow. During the winter snow can accumulate on your roof and over time it can become heavy and compacted. This can cause a lot of stress on your roof and could be hazardous to your family. If there is too much snow on your roof the structural integrity of the roof may be in jeopardy and it may even collapse. This poses a huge risk to you and your family but fortunately there is a way to prevent your roof from collapsing under the heavy weight of the snow. One way to prevent your roof from collapsing is by having your roof inspected before the first snowfall. Having your roof inspected by an engineer will allow them to access the strength of your roof. If you have a roof assessment conducted and your roof is deemed to be weak, you can hire a contractor to reinforce your roof. If you did not get your roof inspected and you are afraid of the snow accumulation on your roof you can always hire a contractor that will come over and shovel the snow off of your roof for you.
Chimney Inspection
Many homes have wood burning fireplaces and they can be a great way to keep you and your family warm during the winter. Wood burning fireplaces can also be an efficient and cost effective way of heating your home, which is good if you want to save some money. If you do have a fireplace you need to make sure it is safe before using it. If your home has a chimney, you need to have it inspected before you start using it to keep your family warm this winter. Every winter, hundreds of homes suffer damage due to fires being started in clogged chimneys. A chimney inspection can be conducted by your local fire department and they will be able to unclog your chimney if it is unsafe. This is one of the most important tips you can follow to prepare your home for the winter because if your chimney is clogged it could be extremely dangerous for you and your family.
The winter season is a time of joy and spending time with family, but the extreme weather can also threaten the integrity of your home. If you live in an area that experiences harsh winter weather, you need to be prepared for it. Fortunately, there are some tips you can follow to make sure you, your family, and your home area are all safe this winter. If you live in areas that experience extremely cold temperatures you should invest in a reliable home generator to keep you and your family warm and safe during power outages. Additionally, if you live in areas that have lots of snow you should have your roof inspected before the first snow fall to ensure your roof is strong enough to hold the weight of compacted snow. If your home has a chimney make sure you have it inspected before you start using it this winter. If you follow these simple tips you will be able to prepare your home for the harsh winter weather.